Contact Us
We currently only ship within the United States.
It depends on where you are and availability of products. Delivery details will be provided in your confirmation email. If you would like further, more detailed information, then please give us a call.
We use all major carriers, and local courier partners.
We want you to love your purchase, but if you need to make a return, we’re happy to help.
✔ Returns are accepted within 15 days of delivery, as long as the product is in new condition.
✔ Customers are responsible for return shipping costs.
✔ A 20% restocking fee applies.
⚠ Important: Always inspect your order upon delivery—shipping companies won’t cover damage claims once the package is signed for.
To start a return, email us directly, and we’ll guide you through the process.
Any questions?
If we still haven't answered your question, please contact us and we will get back to you as soon as possible. You can also visit our FAQ page by clicking the button above.